Thursday, March 20, 2008

Starlings Coming Home to Roost

A phone call from my friend, Dick Gough, yesterday afternoon was the prelude to one of the most spectacular events that I have ever witnessed.

As well as being an artist who transforms bog wood into elegant sculptures, Dick is an avid photographer who specialises in photographing all forms of wildlife in their natural habitat. His objective yesterday was to get some pictures of starlings coming to roost for the night. He explained to me that it would be a spectacular event and if conditions were right and the birds obliged, it would be possible get some good pictures. I was delighted when he invited me to go along with him.

Well, I knew dick wouldn’t be going on a wild goose chase – or should I say wild starling chase – but I couldn’t help wondering what kind of pictures he hoped to get of flocks of birds coming to a grove of trees to bed down for the night. He assured me there was a treat in store and he was not mistaken.

We arrived at the chosen location just as the sun was setting. It was a lovely evening – cold but dry. We didn’t have long to wait before the birds started to arrive. First, they came in small flocks from all different directions. Meanwhile while the arriving flocks were getting larger and larger, they were all joining together to form one large flock flying over and adjacent to their landing site. This went on for some time until the sky was black with them. Then as if by some method of communication, which is incomprehensible to me, that informed them that all the birds had arrived, the show began. They flew across the sky in perfect formations, wheeling and diving and crisscrossing each other’s flight path forming all kinds of different shapes and forms until finally, they were right over their roosting place. Then one last display and they were gone. In one body they just dropped into the trees. Dick described this as like pouring grain out of a bucket and I can’t think of a more appropriate description.

I hope the attached videos will give you some flavour of the event. If you listen carefully, at the end of one video, you will hear Dick’s comment to me which I think sums up the whole event perfectly.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joe, Gosh I totally enjoyed your site. The starlings were great to see. thanks for all of the travel photo's. Kay ( Jojo)

Anonymous said...

amazing Joe..the dance of the starlings.

Anonymous said...

That was a fascinating video of the starlings. Thank you so much for including it. They painted the evening sky, and the brush strokes were masterful. I loved it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my Joe that was wonderful .... Now I am green with envy. What a remarkable sight, I read the blog and thought oh this will be interesting. But I did not have any idea just how amazing it would be! Do you mind if I send this on to my kids , my brother, his wife, and a vet friend we have. I would love to share it with them, but did not want to with out your permission. Sorry I missed your last call.

Anonymous said...

This blog with the birds is so fascinating. I have a friend that is also a bird lover...
Would you mind if I sent this blog to her.. or even if you could tell me how to just copy the bird video for her.
Thanking you in advance.. Have a super Easter

Judy Roo said...

wow wow and wow joe..this was a great post and the videos are really was amazing to me to see nature in one of its finest moments...probably a million little birds doing what comes naturally to them and something that is beyond understanding to us...what a wonderful world we live in and for a girl who loves the sky...this made for a wonderful and fascinating sky was just great!!

Anonymous said...

very good, and interesting...thanks for the update on your page. you are a talented writer....very good at doing your blog. see ya soon! HUGS, Lila

Tom Wright said...


Those video clips are absolutely amazing!

Life Is Good said...

Thank you everyone for your kind words. I really appreciate that you visit the blog and take the time to leave such nice comments. It’s a great source of satisfaction to every blogger when a post attracts comments and no post is fully complete without them.
Anna and Akela, you are more than welcome to forward the blog to your respective family and friends. I’m honoured that you find it worthy of this.
Judy, you were close when you said ‘probably a million little birds’. Actually, Dick has told me that the number is estimated at 1.4 million. I know you love the sky. Your hubby, Tom, has captured a short excerpt from the second video, which I have now posted. If you watch closely and do not blink, you will see your favourite celestial body, the moon, passing behind the birds.
Thank you Dick and Betty for such a wonderful evening and for giving me the opportunity to enjoy this marvellous close encounter with the wonders of nature.

Anonymous said...

Brillant video Joe...... David Attenborough would be proud of you......we certainly are


Anonymous said...

Brillant video Joe...... David Attenborough would be proud of you......we certainly are


Adam Wright said...

Very nice. It's like watching smoke dancing.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! That is really unbelievable!! What an amazing thing to witness! I'd love to experience it for myself some day! Thanks for the video. I love you!

Anonymous said...

A really amazing video joe,i enjoyed watching it very much. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

WOW! All I can say is WOW! Thats amazing joe...I have never seen anything like that. Thanks for sharing...WOW!